Tiny Home Documentary - Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre
Our video production company embarked on a captivating project, shooting a thought-provoking mini-documentary for the Mi'kmaq Friendship Centre in Prince Edward Island. Our team handled direction and production, capturing genuine emotions and authentic stories of Native people building homes for fellow Native individuals. The documentary showcases unity, empowerment, and the rich experiences within the Mi'kmaq Friendship Centre community, highlighting the project's meaningful impact.
Production, Direction, Post Production, Color, Sound Mix
Client: Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre Production company: Ilienfero Productions Producer: Ilia Lipsman
Directed by: Ben Consmueller & Ilia Lipsman
Cinematography by: Ben Consmueller &
Ilia Lipsman
Editorial/Color: Ilienfero Productions
Rental House: Equifilm